About CAPRA The CANONS PARK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION is a group of local people who banded together in 1986 with the aims of defending and improving the area's amenities and living conditions. WHY DO WE NEED CAPRA? Because the various public bodies responsible for matters affecting Canons Park residents are, at best, not able to consult very widely and at worst, seek to act without consultation; there has to be a body to keep a continuous eye on what is going on and act as the communal voice of Canons Park. We are accepted by the London Borough of Harrow as the local consultation point. IS IT ONLY PUBLIC BODIES WE HAVE TO WATCH? No! There are also property developers who are only interested in our area as a source of profit and then move on, leaving residents to inherit the problems. Reaction has to be early and swift and forward looking. WHY CAN'T I DO THIS MYSELF? Because you will usually only know about matters reported in local papers. Only rarely will you get an individual notification. If you write to the Council with a comment, your views will be recorded but they will not necessarily respond. CAPRA is notified and can get members' views so is well placed to object or suggest improvements in good time. It can organise evidence and if needed get professional advice or even take legal action. The voice of CAPRA is much more powerful than the separate voices of even a large number of individuals. WHO IS CAPRA IN TOUCH WITH? In each field public consultation bodies have been set up and CAPRA takes care to participate. But it also has direct access to the Council, and other public bodies and liaises with other like-minded associations. POLICING – CAPRA liaises with various bodies with regard to policing matters. These include police community and partnership units. The CAPRA representative also covers Sector Policing. We are represented on the local Safer NeighbourhoodTeam Ward Panel and the Harrow Police & Community Consultative Group (HPCCG) ROADS & TRAFFIC - Liaising with Police or Council, CAPRA covers traffic flow, parking and road safety issues. It has been instrumental in the introduction of a number of road schemes to improve traffic flow and reduce parking problems. PUBLIC TRANSPORT - With train and bus managements, CAPRA deals with problems about delays and cleanliness on trains and buses as well as defective bus shelters. ENVIRONMENT - In consultation with the Council, CAPRA aims to keep our green spaces, to make sure our streets are regularly cleaned and to improve our historic parkland. In short, to make Canons Park a nice place in which to live. CAPRA has been a supporter of the Heritage Lottery Restoration Plan for Canons Park and is both a Stakeholder of Canons Park and is represented on the joint management committee and is also represented on the executive of the Friends of Canons Park. DEVELOPMENT - CAPRA liaises with the Harrow Council Planning Department to safeguard our area from inappropriate and unwanted development and to see that all communications are swiftly dealt with. We strive to maintain the character of our area. LOCAL NHS SERVICE - CAPRA liaises with the local health service  providers and gives  general updates on the latest developments taking place from time to time. However CAPRA does not get involved in any individual case. EDGWARE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - CAPRA was represented on the Project Reference Group and was formerly involved in The Hand Off Our Hospital and the subsequent New Edgware Hospital Campaigns. HOW DOES CAPRA KEEP IN TOUCH WITH MEMBERS? Periodic newsletters are delivered to members and General Meetings are held during the year where problems are discussed and where representatives of the police, fire services, public transport, the NHS and Harrow Council etc have attended to answer questions and explain procedures and plans. WHAT DOES IT COST? The subscription is paid per household and is at present £5 per year. Our membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August. WHY NOT JOIN US AND HAVE A VOICE IN THE COMMUNITY? email: contact@capra.org.uk
Canons Park Residents Association
About CAPRA The CANONS PARK RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION is a group of local people who banded together in 1986 with the aims of defending and improving the area's amenities and living conditions. WHY DO WE NEED CAPRA? Because the various public bodies responsible for matters affecting Canons Park residents are, at best, not able to consult very widely and at worst, seek to act without consultation; there has to be a body to keep a continuous eye on what is going on and act as the communal voice of Canons Park. We are accepted by the London Borough of Harrow as the local consultation point. IS IT ONLY PUBLIC BODIES WE HAVE TO WATCH? No! There are also property developers who are only interested in our area as a source of profit and then move on, leaving residents to inherit the problems. Reaction has to be early and swift and forward looking. WHY CAN'T I DO THIS MYSELF? Because you will usually only know about matters reported in local papers. Only rarely will you get an individual notification. If you write to the Council with a comment, your views will be recorded but they will not necessarily respond. CAPRA is notified and can get members' views so is well placed to object or suggest improvements in good time. It can organise evidence and if needed get professional advice or even take legal action. The voice of CAPRA is much more powerful than the separate voices of even a large number of individuals. WHO IS CAPRA IN TOUCH WITH? In each field public consultation bodies have been set up and CAPRA takes care to participate. But it also has direct access to the Council, and other public bodies and liaises with other like-minded associations. POLICING – CAPRA liaises with various bodies with regard to policing matters. These include police community and partnership units. The CAPRA representative also covers Sector Policing. We are represented on the local Safer NeighbourhoodTeam Ward Panel and the Harrow Police & Community Consultative Group (HPCCG) ROADS & TRAFFIC - Liaising with Police or Council, CAPRA covers traffic flow, parking and road safety issues. It has been instrumental in the introduction of a number of road schemes to improve traffic flow and reduce parking problems. PUBLIC TRANSPORT - With train and bus managements, CAPRA deals with problems about delays and cleanliness on trains and buses as well as defective bus shelters. ENVIRONMENT - In consultation with the Council, CAPRA aims to keep our green spaces, to make sure our streets are regularly cleaned and to improve our historic parkland. In short, to make Canons Park a nice place in which to live. CAPRA has been a supporter of the Heritage Lottery Restoration Plan for Canons Park and is both a Stakeholder of Canons Park and is represented on the joint management committee and is also represented on the executive of the Friends of Canons Park. DEVELOPMENT - CAPRA liaises with the Harrow Council Planning Department to safeguard our area from inappropriate and unwanted development and to see that all communications are swiftly dealt with. We strive to maintain the character of our area. LOCAL NHS SERVICE - CAPRA liaises with the local health service  providers and gives  general updates on the latest developments taking place from time to time. However CAPRA does not get involved in any individual case. EDGWARE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - CAPRA was represented on the Project Reference Group and was formerly involved in The Hand Off Our Hospital and the subsequent New Edgware Hospital Campaigns. HOW DOES CAPRA KEEP IN TOUCH WITH MEMBERS? Periodic newsletters are delivered to members and General Meetings are held during the year where problems are discussed and where representatives of the police, fire services, public transport, the NHS and Harrow Council etc have attended to answer questions and explain procedures and plans. WHAT DOES IT COST? The subscription is paid per household and is at present £5 per year. Our membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August. WHY NOT JOIN US AND HAVE A VOICE IN THE COMMUNITY? email: contact@capra.org.uk